Register as a beta-user for our new on-line Battery Builder (battery load simulator)

for system engineerings using powercapacitor batteries.​’s in-house developed Battery Builder has proven to be a very helpful tool for configuring a power capacitor battery before it is actually built.  With as input a load profile and a selected reference battery, we can simulate the battery load over the given profile and deduct calendar lifetime parameters taking into account the actual load, the temperature profile, and how the battery will be used. is now releasing it as an on-line version that registered developers can use to submit their own load profile. The simulator is accessed through a standard browser. Each registered user will have its own private repository for his projects with the output generated in a pdf file. Battery Builder is Work in Progress. More functionality is under development. Later on, the battery load simulator will be extended with for example the capability to compare with other battery types.

To apply the simulator to your specific application, contact us and become a beta-user. Candidates will receive an invitation code.

Register here: request and contact page

For more information, visit