Hybrid supercapacitors news June 2024

Energy recovery upto 50% using gravity and hybrid supercapacitors. How can gravity and batteries cooperate to save energy? Elevator and crane systems typically use counterweights assisting motors by utilizing gravity. In theory, if there were no losses, using a...

Energy saving hybrid supercapacitors for lifts

Energy recovery upto 50% using gravity and hybrid supercapacitors How can gravity and batteries cooperate to save energy? Elevator and crane systems typically use counterweights that assist motors by utilizing gravity. In theory, if there were no losses, using a...

New high voltage hybrid supercapacitor battery

High power in a cool package.     Our hybrid supercapacitors shine when the demands are high and the 21700 4V/2.4Ah cells are our working horse.  Typical use cases are hybrid systems, like for traction in a vehicle, a fuel cell generator, a UPS or powering a motor...

Exploring new markets

Hybrid Supercapacitors meet the demanding needs of Africa. One of the challenges in many still developing African countries is the energy supply. The countries are vast, the infrastructure is still being built up and the environmental conditions can be challenging....

MULTI-MOBY presented at E-VOLVE cluster Webinar

EU Horizon 2020 MULTI-MOBY project presented at E-VOLVE cluster Webinar “Driving the Future” – The E-VOLVE Cluster Webinar 5. March 2024 Join us on Friday, 15th of March when a large number of our member projects provide “Insights from European Research and...