Safety First
Altreonic has always put the safety and sustainability of its batteries first. Safety means that we only work with cells and batteries that are inherently safe, to be interpreted that they will not start a fire spontaneously. Sustainability means that cells and batteries should have a long cycle life that maps as much as possible with the application’s lifetime or allow reuse. Sustainability also means that less problematic materials are used reducing tne impact on the environment and enhancing recycling.
Power and Energy Density
The Carbon-based superapacitors are a new technology for storing electric charges as the following Ragone chart shows. They offer an energy density that is similar to Lithium-ion battery cells (from 80 to 230 Wk/kg) but with a Power density as found in supercapacitors (a few 100 to 1000’s W/kg). Practically speaking, systems equipped with these hybrid supercapacitors will be able to store as much energy but can deliver it up to 20 times faster, which implies that they can be charged faster than traditional lithium-based batteries. Technically, the power capacitors are classified as asymmetric, i.e. hybrid supercapacitors.
We have now added Sodium-ion cells. Sodium is one of the first Lithium-ion alternatives that is available and remedies many of the lithium-ion issues. As the Ragine plot shows, they have similar energy density as traditional medium-end LFP cells but score much better on sustainability, temperature range, power and often lifetime as well. In addition, Sodium-ion cells are very cost-efficient and ideal when the operating conditions are not so extreme.