Short presentation on and Sodium-ion cells

In attachment a short presentation on, the novel Sodium-ion cells and their applications. Altreonic_Kurt.energy_Nov2024_Na+  

The battery everyone is waiting for has arrived.

1. High energy density 23680 hybrid energy capacitor cells reach production milestone. The battery everyone has been looking for has arrived. And it is not a battery. It's a hybrid Energy Capacitor. No need to wait for Battery Day. Battery energy storage is one of the...

China to Enforce Electric Vehicle Safety by 2021

Does one need a clearer statement that Li-ion batteries are unsafe? And is the complexity needed to mitigate (not eliminate) the risk not another sign that we need something better that is simple and robust? Besides the risk of fire, Li-ion batteries also emit a lot...

Comprehensive overview with New Atlas article

For a short and comprehensive overview on our breakthrough carbon based hybrid powercapacitors, have a look at this article in New Atlas. Scepticism allowed, we passed that stage as well. The reactions in terms of more info requests have been phenomenal. Thanks to...

Very low temperature tests by T.U.Munich

The Technical University of Munich, Institute of Astronautics is conducting a test campaign at very low temperatures. The first results are very promising. The following graph shows a capacity test of a 18650 cell and a 23680 cell from 0 °C down to -50 °C The graph...

TECHtalk Battle of the batteries 26 Nov 2019 has been presenting our carbon based hybrid power capacitors in comparison with other battery technologies. Details and registration for this event. See Hereby the presentation: 20191220 Altreonic BattleofBatteriesHD

Unmatched robustness of hybrid supercapacitors

How robust are blue cell power capacitors? You only know this when you test them beyond the specifications of the datasheet. While the full test report is being prepared, hereby a few early test results.  The main stress and abuse tests are as follows: Charging and...